Waterbirth: The Pros and Cons of Waterbirth Delivery for Moms-to-be
Waterbirth is a type of childbirth that is done in a tub filled with water. The benefits of this type of birth are numerous.
The water provides a feeling of weightlessness, which can help the mother relax and encourages the baby to move down into the birth canal. The buoyancy also helps mothers avoid pressure on their perineum, which can make it easier for the baby to come out. The water itself acts as pain relief, with the warm water providing relief from pain and pressure.
Babies born in water often come out calmer and the whole experience is less stressful for them as they gently come earthside.
How does birth with water work?
The woman can give birth into the pool, or she can walk into the pool and give birth there. The mother and baby are both submerged in the water during labour and delivery. The baby is born using a ‘hands free’ approach unless it is deemed necessary to intervene. After the baby is born, they are gently guided to the surface and to the mother’s arms. The mother remains in the water until after delivery of the placenta. Alternatively, you can get out after the birth of the baby and deliver the placenta on dry land. Another idea is to labour in the water but get out for the birth.
What are some important considerations before having a water birth?
The best thing to do before doing a water birth is to find a certified midwife or doula who will be able to guide you through the process. The first consideration is the safety of you and your baby. There are certain contraindications for a waterbirth, or things that may make it harder.
How much does it cost to do a water birth in the hospital vs in your home?
A water birth is a great way to have a natural labour and delivery in the comfort of your own home.
It is also a good option for women who are looking for a more comfortable experience in labour.
The average cost of water birth in the hospital is $2,500-$3,500 while it costs around $1,000-$2,000 in your home. If you’re in the UK this is included in the NHS, who will have a birthing pool in the hospital, but if you wanted a home birth, they can point you towards somewhere to hire or buy a birth pool.
There are many benefits to having a water birth at home such as not being confined to bed or having to be hooked up to monitors. You can also control the temperature of the water and have your partner by your side throughout labour and delivery. Your midwife can help you to get the optimum temperature for the birth. During the first stage of labour you can have the water hotter for pain relief, but for the birth of the baby, it needs to be body temperature, between 36.5 and 37.5 degrees Celsius.
How to Prepare for a Waterbirth
During pregnancy, it’s important to stay as healthy as possible, eat well and keep active. You will need to be physically fit for the birth process. If your BMI is too high, above 35, then you may not be eligible for a waterbirth. This is due to manual handling restrictions and the increased risk of problems that can occur. If you have any medical issues or your pregnancy becomes high risk, that may exclude a waterbirth. You may still be able to use the water pool for pain relief.
Waterbirth is a new trend in natural childbirth, but the practice of giving birth in water has been used for centuries. The process of waterbirth starts with the caregiver or mother-to-be filling the bathtub, or other large container, with warm water. The mother-to-be then enters the tub and positions herself on her back or side. In fact, there are no holds barred and one of the benefits of labouring in the pool is the freedom of movement.
There are many steps in preparing for waterbirth. First, it is important to make sure that you have enough space in your tub for your entire body to fit comfortably. The mother should also make sure that she has enough pillows and towels to support her head and back while she is sitting in the tub. It is also necessary to set out any necessary equipment such as towels, water bottle and washcloths beforehand so they are ready for when you need them during labour. You will need lots of towels, a bucket and sieve, washcloths, flotation aids and a drinking bottle. If you prefer, you can wear a swimming costume (bikini style) or a T shirt, but there is no need for clothes.
Pros & Cons of Waterbirth
A new study by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has found that water birth may be beneficial for both mothers and their babies.
The study, published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology, found that babies born in water had fewer complications than those who were not. These included less need for vacuum-assisted births, fewer cases of meconium aspiration syndrome, and lower rates of newborn seizures.
The study also found that women who had water births experienced shorter labours than women who did not. They also reported less pain medication use during labour and delivery.
This new research may change the way obstetricians deliver babies in hospitals across America.
The risks of waterbirth are not well-known. The risks are not necessarily higher than those of giving birth on land, but they are different.
There have been reports of mothers experiencing hypothermia, drowning, and other related complications. The risk is mainly posed by the baby’s umbilical cord becoming wrapped around its neck or body or by the baby being deprived of oxygen for too long.
Conclusion: Why You Should Consider Having Your Baby In A Water Birth
Water births are becoming more popular in recent years because they offer many benefits that traditional births do not. One of the most notable benefits is that water births can help with pain and anxiety during labour. This is because when in a pool, pressure points in the body are relieved and this allows for a more natural delivery process. Another benefit is that babies who are born in water have been shown to have lower rates of breathing problems than those who were not born in water.
About the contributor:
Jenny, a Mum of 3 school aged children and a Nurse in a GP practice. When she has any free time which is not very often, she enjoys amateur dramatics, crafting and curling up on her sofa with a blanket and her cocker spaniel Archie.
More information about a pregnancy, please check the healthy diet for this period.